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Sourcing is the life blood of your industry.


We can assist you with sourcing, pre-visiting factories, so that you only see the most appropriate.



We can find new factories.


Because we are more local, and speak the local language, we can find factories that suit your requirements.

By being closer to the source speaking the same language, we can find factories that suit your requirements.



We can supervise the making and distributing of samples.


We negotiate the courier rates for more than US$400,000 of courier charges per years

We have excellent rates from couriers, we can collate the samples and send in larger packages which will minimise your costs.



We can check your samples at source.


By checking samples against your standards before they are sent, we reduce delays, upsets and costs



For some customers, samples go direct to the ultimate customer.


For some customers, samples go direct to the ultimate customer.

Once you are satisfied with the QC team, samples can be directed straight to your customer, saving time and cutting costs



Arguing prices is difficult, and can cause damage to the factory relationship.


We have experienced negotiators and we know the costs that are likely to have risen, and those that have not. We have an excellent record of negotiating prices





Our merchandisers can deal directly with European customers.


Using HK based merchandising teams cuts the number of people in your chain of command. This saves cost and improves the process



We can source labels, packaging and other accessories for your production.


It is frequently the case that the packaging of a product distinguishes it from the competition. We have experience at dealing with all the extras that you will need when doing business in China. We have extensive packaging solutions that add value to your product offer



Language can often be a problem when dealing in the Far East.


Our merchandisers are functionally fluent in English, Cantonese and Mandarin. Our language skills improve your communication.



The European day only gives a short window to correspond with factories in China.


We can maximise your working day.

Because we have the same time zone as much of the far east, issues can be resolved on the day they occur.